Good Practices

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Gioosto. Sustainable B2B shop for social inclusion and better environment


Main Subject:
Sustainable E-commerce and Distribution


Gioosto is based in south Italy, in the province of Benevento,  a warehouse that brings together approximately 1000 sustainable products with organic raw materials from around 100 companies. Gioosto offers a selection of excellent products matching the demand for genuinely sustainable products with a highly curated supply.

At this time, the shop operates via the web and products are shipped via the transportation system for BtoB

For each product stored there is a preliminary analysis of the company and the production method. Gioosto's aims to act on the environmental cost in the production of goods, taking concrete actions for sustainability has become a necessary goal. It involves a holistic approach to the problem of climate change, addressing economic and sustainability needs of businesses as well.

The method to select products involves the use of the NeXt index, an important tool developed in recent years with a high-quality analysis and study structure.

The NeXt has been recognized as a certification mark by the European Commission. and it measures sustainability through six pillars: Supply Chain, Relationship with Environment, People and the Work Environment, Attitudes Towards the Local Community, Government of the Organization, and Relationship with Customers.

The goal of the Gioosto portal is to provide space and new business opportunities for innovative and responsible entities, often small or fragile, by aggregating them and creating a critical mass.
Create pathways to citizenship and encourage active voting with your wallet to promote sustainable practices and products.
"With more awareness, information, and coordination, voting with your wallet will be the lever that allows us to change the world and guide the economic system towards creating high-value work and environmental protection. Through our choices of production and consumption, we can change the world."

Gioosto wants to address: For producers: Increase resources and know-how to manage sustainable e-commerce, connect good practices in the territory to network and strengthen their offerings.
For consumers: Make products from sustainable companies and their information more accessible, providing a single reference portal to save time and resources with aggregated and multi-sectoral product carts.

Despite Italy's significantly more efficient warehouse and transport systems in the Northeast, Gioosto has decided to open its warehouse in a rural area of southern Italy to take on the challenge of the typical lack of employment in the inland areas of the south.

Reference links:

SDG direct/ indirect short justification:

Direct SDGs:

  • SDG 13 Climate Action: The project indirectly addresses climate action by promoting sustainable production methods, reducing environmental impact, and encouraging a holistic approach to combat climate change.
  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production: The initiative focuses on promoting sustainable and responsible consumption by selecting and offering products with environmentally friendly and ethical production practices.
  • SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth: By supporting companies that adhere to sustainable practices, the initiative contributes to creating decent work opportunities and fostering economic growth.
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: The project involves innovative approaches to connect sustainable products with consumers, contributing to advancements in industry practices and infrastructure

Indirect SDGs:

  • SDG 1 No Poverty: Through creating new business opportunities for smaller entities, the initiative indirectly supports poverty reduction by contributing to economic development in rural areas.
  • SDG 2 Zero Hunger: Although not the primary focus, by supporting local and sustainable production methods, the initiative may indirectly contribute to food security and agricultural sustainability.


  • SDG 15 Life on Land: By promoting sustainable practices and conscious consumption, the initiative indirectly contributes to protecting terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity

The initiative involves selecting and promoting products that adhere to sustainable and environmentally friendly production methods. This contributes directly to reducing the carbon footprint and addressing climate-related challenges.
The use of the NeXt ESG Index, which measures sustainability across various pillars, including supply chain and environmental relationships, reflects a commitment to assessing and improving environmental performance, aligning with SDG 13.
The practice takes a holistic approach to climate change by considering economic and social factors along with environmental ones. It addresses the need for systemic changes in production and consumption patterns to combat climate change effectively.

Sustainable products, Innovative Business, Environmental sustainability, Supply chain, Social entrep


Via Antonio Abete, 77, 82100 Benevento

  1. How the small enterprise can join the project?
  2. Are there problems about Transposrtation as usual in rural area in south of Italy?
  3. How they facing the main problem of packaging and use of energy in their transportation?


Agostino Cefalo, Gramigna ODV

