O Projekcie EURECA

Co to jest ekologia miejska?

Ekologia miejska to nauka, która bada zależności między organizmami żywymi a środowiskiem na terenie zurbanizowanym, zaludnionym, użytkowanym przez człowieka – w miastach, wsiach i w ich otoczeniu. Jej celem jest znalezienie sposobów na harmonijną koegzystencję działalności ludzkiej i przyrody.

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Collection of 30 good ecological practices

The last 2 months have been a period when all EURECA Project partners have been preparing descriptions of good practices of environmental activities in the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Examples were found of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals set within the Agenda 2030. The SocLab Foundation described the developing energy cooperatives in Poland, which supply local communities with electricity from photovoltaics. Another interesting solution from Poland is flower meadows in cities instead of traditional lawns. Flowers in the city not only look beautiful, also give shelter and food to many useful insects and birds. In turn, the protection of birds from collisions with transparent glass is served by modern protective films at the University of Bialystok. Birds and small mammals have found good habitat on a renaturalized stretch of river in the center of the city of Bialystok. Raising curiosity, but also controversy, the Polish partner describes a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation. With the same objective, explains a feeding model in a school canteen where meat is served only 2 days a week. Portugal's EDU.IN association focused on technological solutions, describing methods for producing energy from waste and solar, recycle water for reuse, sustainable construction, and did not shy away from topics related to urban biodiversity, using Lisbon and its horticultural parks and green corridors as examples. Gramigna Associazione described a store operating on the principle of a cooperative of local suppliers farmers, a commerce that supports the local community and environmentally friendly crops. Partner IWS from Spain described innovative seawater desalination plant, an innovative urban garden next to a large shopping center, and a climate adaptation plan for the Zaragoza city. An association of agricultural school graduates from the Czech Republic showed methods for restoring degraded areas, methods for preserving tree alleys, a biogas plant and a store with recycled items.   These are just some of the eco-friendly good practices described. All of them, with broader descriptions, will soon be available to read on the EURECA Academy website. https://www.eurecaedu.eu

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Eureca - European Urban Ecology Academy

Partner group from Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal and Italy, started the project 'EURECA - European URban ECology Academy' in the framework of the Erasmus+ adult education programme at the beginning of September 2023. An educational programme on environmental protection and pro-environmental behaviour will be developed at the level of the individual, household, headquarters/office of the organisation/institution/company. The target audience is people who are not professionally involved in ecology and the aim is to transfer knowledge about practical solutions that can be applied by the 'common man', who has no specialist ecological or technical knowledge. The main outcome of the project will be an online training programme. An e-learning platform will be created and partners will carry out a full remote training cycle in Poland and in the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal and Italy in 2025. Our consortium: Fundacja SocLab - Poland (project leader) Gramigna Associazione - Italy EDU.IN Associação para a Educação Integral - Portugal Spolek absolventů a přátel zemědělské školy v Chrudimi z. s.. - Czech Republic Internet Web Solutions - Spain The project is co-financed by the EU under the Erasmus+ programme.

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